Biceps Brachii. The term “biceps” means two heads, and “brachii” refers to the upper arm.

This muscle sits under the bicep. When it’s well-developed, it pushes the bicep peak up making it look taller. This tiny muscle is also an aesthetics enhancing feature from the side view. When you give the brachialis the attention it deserves, it dramatically increases the thickness of your arms. To hit the brachialis, anything with a neutral grip – think hammer curl – is a solid choice.

The largest muscle of your forearm, the brachioradialis, sits atop your forearm near your elbow and crosses the elbow joint. This muscle is best isolated with overhand grip movements like a reverse curl. The meat of the brachioradialis is in the forearm and it contributes to the “Popeye” arm look.

Biceps Brachii
The term “biceps” means two heads, and “brachii” refers to the upper arm. Think of the long head of the bicep as the outer part of the arm. It’s best worked with movements that situate the arm behind the body like incline dumbbell curls. The short head can be associated with the inside of the arm, the part that is next to your pecs, obliques, and serratus.

Here’s what you need to know…
The brachialis, brachioradialis, and biceps brachii make up the biceps. To build the bigger arms, you need to hit all of these. And regular curls won’t do it.
Turn dumbbell curls into Zottman curls. Curl the weight with palms up, but turn your palms facedown when lowering the weight back to starting position.
Add bands and do the jettison technique barbell curl. Getting extra resistance from bands will tax the biceps at every point in the rep.
Do the close-grip inverted row, with an iso-hold. Start the pull at the elbows and bring the bar up to touch the lower chest. Hold at the top.
Target the short head of the biceps brachii with a Scott curl. With your armpits braced by the preacher bench pad, you won’t be able to use the momentum from the hips.

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